My dear Mrs _____
The preferences of the Board members seem to be divided between Boston and Chicago as to a meeting place, and "after the 2d week in October" as to time. Miss Breckinridge can only meet during a week end. Every one is agreed on the desirability of avoiding publicity which might so easily lead to misinterpretation.
May I make the following proposition or rather transmit an invitation from the President of the Chicago Branch, Mrs Wilmarth.
She kindly suggests that [page 2] we use her country house at Lake Geneva Wisconsin, which she keeps open during October. It is a short ride from Chicago and she asks us to be her guests for the two days of the meeting.
I would suggest that we take a train leaving Chicago at 345 pm. (arriving at Lake Geneva at 5.20 pm.) on Friday October 19. That we hold a meeting at Mrs. Wilmarth's house on Friday evening, three on Saturday Oct. 20th, two on Sunday Oct 21, taking a train back to Chicago at 645 pm (due in Chicago 840 pm) [page 3] or staying over until Monday October 22" if more convenient.
We would thus avoid all publicity and have a chance for uninterrupted conference.
Mrs Karsten could easily bring whatever we need from the office.
I do not wish to urge this plan unduly but would remind you that the Board has not met in Chicago since June 1916 and if we have an annual meeting it will probably be in Boston or one of the Eastern cities. [page 4]
The alternative plan would be Boston with approximately the same dates.
Will you kindly write at once expressing your preference as to plans addressing Mrs Karsten at the office 116 South Michigan Ave. Chicago.
I am most eager for a full and satisfactory meeting of the Board. A very perplexing situation has arisen since my last letter.
Faithfully yours
Jane Addams
My cold is much better and I hope to be back in a few days. J.A.