Egypt. Mass.
Sept. 12 17.
My dear Miss Addams,
Yours of the tenth is just received. I think the statement should now wait upon our board meeting. I hope this can be early in October in New York unless you like Mrs. Post's suggestion about a meeting in Boston. I am sure our Mass. Ex. board would be glad to confer with us part of the time.
We can embody in our [page 2] statement something like what you suggest "freeing ourselves from the charge of obstructing the government". One paragraph should be modified since the President's reply to the Pope.
I think Oct. 6 is the only day that I am engaged early in October, but I have not my dates with me.
Please address me for a week. care Mr. Geo. L. Hill Egypt, Mass.
Yours. sincerely.
Lucia Ames Mead.