Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Lucia Ames Mead, September 11, 1917


September 11th, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Mead:

Miss Addams has asked me to send you the enclosed report from the Amsterdam Office. She thinks that in case a meeting of the Board is arranged soon, there should be a meeting of the Committee of Thirty-Five at about the same time. She suggests that after looking over this report, you show it to Mrs. Andrews and to Miss Balch.

I sent you yesterday a copy of the tentative program as it has been changed to incorporate all of the suggestions made. This was sent to you at Brookline because I understood that you were going to leave Maine on the seventh.

Miss Addams was in the city for a few days last week and has gone to Lake Geneva for a two weeks' stay. She is looking and feeling, apparently, very well.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead,
19 Euston Street,
Brookline, Massachusetts.