Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, August 15, 1917


August 15, 1917.

My dear Miss Addams:

I shall send a carbon of this letter to you at Hull-House, not knowing whether you are still at Bar Harbor, to which address, however, I shall send the letter itself. Day before yesterday I sent you at the latter address a carbon of the letter I was sending to Mrs. Karsten in reply to hers relative to Mrs. Mead's program letter.

It seems to me that we ought to be particular to frame carefully any program put out at this time by the Woman's Peace Party. We are suffering, as you will see by some of the enclosed clippings, at least by inference as pacifists, in connection with the suffragist attacks on the President, and in connection with the I.W.W. character of the People's Council. Of course the newspapers are stupid and undiscriminating; but it therefore devolves upon us not to put out anything that seems unprepared or is loosely worded. I wish we might have Miss Breckinridge's wisdom and able phrasing, and also Mrs. Spencer's, for anything we may do.