July 18th 1917.
My dear Miss Addams:
I am sending under separate cover several copies of our original International and National Platforms and also one copy of the Official Report.
I have just received definite announcement in reference to the Russian Commission, namely that the Commission will be here on August third and fourth. The tentative program includes a luncheon, a banquet, a mass meeting, probably in the Stock Yards Pavilion, and a visit to the Great Lakes Training Station, and a second banquet given by the Russian groups. Some ten or twelve of the Commission are expected here.
I had understood from Mr. Hooker that it was to be somewhat later than this.
Mr. Deknatel has just called me up to say that he has been discussing the question with Mary McDowell and Dr. and Mr. Yarros and we will probably open at the House an information center similar to the one opened at the University Settlement. The only purpose of this will be to give information to foreigners and to furnish the services free of cost of a Notary Public to take the [affidavits] of those asking exemption. I am very, very glad that we have decided to do this.
Very sincerely yours,
Office Secretary