Lake Forest,
May 3. 1906.
Dear Miss Addams:-
I appreciate your note of yesterday. I think you understand that I have no wish to hamper the trustees either in the administration, or in a possible necessary sale of the property, or any wish that it might ever revert to my heirs.
My thought was that there should always be some one with sufficient interest to see that the administration was held to the purposes stated in [page 2] the charter. But it appears from Mr. Tenney's exposition that more harm than good would be likely to come from such provisions and I gladly omit them and make the simple deed.
These "mortemains" I know are often troublesome. Hands that do little while living should keep out of other folks' way when dead.
Sincerely yours
I thank you very much for your prompt and most kind help to Miss Emmons.
H. C.