George A. Schilling to Jane Addams, August 31, 1905


August 31, 1905.

Miss Jane Addams,

Chairman, School Management Committee,
Tribune Bldg., Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams:

Permit me to congratulate you upon your selection as Chairman of the School Management Committee, as well as this community for having a so public spirited person in charge of one of the most important functions in our civic life. I wish you much success in this new field of endeavor.

You remember the Paulsens, who, in company with myself, used to visit Hull House in its early days. They have resided at Austin for many years, and both Lottie and Lillie, the two oldest, are school teachers. Lillie passed examination recently and is eligible for the city. She went to the Normal school at Dekalb, and since then had two or three years' experience at Dalton, Ill. She has made a splendid record in both places and is able to furnish the best of recommendations. She fears that in entering the service in our city schools she may be obliged to do substituting which involves more or less broken time, and inasmuch as she is thoroughly competent, she sees no reason why she should not secure some permanent position. She is indifferent as to the locality, but I presume would prefer to be placed somewhere near Austin.

I wish you would give this a small portion of your attention, and if not in violation of the rules of the Board, and you can [page 2] be satisfied as to her ability, to do what you can in this direction.

Again wishing you well, I am

Very sincerely,

Geo. A Schilling [signed]

↑Miss Lillian Paulsens address is 439 N. [Pine] Ave Austin [illegible]↓

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