Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Anna Bambach Twitchell, April 30, 1917


April 30th, 1917.

My dear Mrs. Twitchell: --

I am writing in answer to your letter of April 19th addressed to Miss Addams to tell you how very sorry I am that Miss Addams is not able to do much talking at this time. She has been permitted by her physician to speak on one or two occasions but she has to be exceedingly careful. She made this morning a wonderful speech before the Chicago Woman's Club, and I very much hope that this may be published and that I may be able to send you later a copy of it. She didn't talk, however, against conscription and it would, of course, be too late to talk against conscription now. Her talk was a presentation of the pacifist form of patriotism, a most wonderful exposition of the International ideals of the pacifist.

I am enclosing copies of two programs which we have just issued, one by the National Office and the other by the Chicago Branch of the Woman's Peace Party, which offer very definite, constructive suggestions for work during these troublous times. They have been received with enthusiasm by our members, who are eager for something definite to do. Perhaps you will find them of help.

Very sincerely yours,

Office Secretary.