Neena Hamilton Pringsheim to Jane Addams, November 29, 1916

523 Madison Ave.
Plainfield. N.J.
Nov. 29. 1916.

My dear [Miss] Addams:

It is a pleasure to me to be in this country again  -- and thus to be able to attend the Peace Conference at Washington.

One of my chief objects in returning home -- aside [page 2] from the wish to be with my family -- was the desire to speak with you, and others, of the formulation of international relief measures.

Since the beginning of the war, I have been chairman of the War Relief Committee of the American Church in Berlin, [page 3] working together with Mrs. Gerard. Also the chairman of the American branch of the "Auskunfts und Hilfstelle für Deutsche im Ausland, und Ausländer in Deutschland". Thus I have gained some experience in the actual needs arising through war conditions. If I may, in any way, contribute to the furtherance of the [work?] of the conference, I shall be [page 4] glad to do so.

I bring you kind greetings from Dr. Alice Salomon, Dr. Rotten, and [Siegmund-Schultze], as well as from others, who remember you kindly in Berlin.

My address in Washington, where I go next Tuesday, will be 3249 Newark St. c/of Dr. Philip Smith.

With kind remembrances to Dr. Hamilton, I am -- Very Sincerely,

Neena Hamilton Pringsheim.