Jane Addams to Frederick Lynch, November 16, 1916


My dear Dr. Lynch:

We are very glad indeed to avail ourselves of your suggestion that we write to Dean Keppel in regard to an appropriation for our Conference of Oppressed or Dependent Nationalities and also of your kind offer to [talk] the matter over with Mr. Keppel. We have written to him this morning sending the tentative statement which you find enclosed.

We are finding a very gratifying response from the various nationalities and I am sure we are going to have a valuable and conservative meeting. We are not asking the nationalistic societies to send representatives, but the Committee itself is inviting individual speakers, in that way securing sober and reasonable representation. I think it may be a matter of gratification to some of the "poor hyphenated Americans" to have this recognition showing th [at] least that their opinion may be of some value to Americans.

I was so sorry to miss the meetings in October. I hope very much that you will be in Washington in December.

Faithfully yours,

Dr. Frederick Lynch,
70 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

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