My dear Mr. Keppel:
Enclosed please find a preliminary statement for a Conference of Oppressed or Dependent Nationalities which, as you see, we are planning for Washington immediately after the Annual Meeting of the Woman's Peace Party.
The response from the "poor hyphenated Americans" has been most eager and I think the meeting will be a very interesting one and we hope may make a valuable contribution to one of the most vexed situations in the war. We are not asking the various nationalistic societies to send representatives, but are ourselves inviting the speakers and in this way securing such reasonable, sober representatives as Francis Hackett from "The New Republic," to represent the Irish, and Mr. [Pergler] from Waterloo, Iowa, to represent the Bohemians.
Many of the speakers we hope may be able to defray their own expenses, but we estimate that we will have to expend at least $1,000. We have made an appropriation from the Woman's Peace Party funds of $500, but that is all our Treasury will bear and we should, of course, be very grateful if your society could give us an appropriation of $500 more. It is always embarrassing to ask for money, but I believe the expenditure in this case can but make for good will and be of ultimate international value.
Always faithfully yours,