Are Guests of Women's Political Union at Hotel Astor.
Five hundred suffragists dined last night at the Hotel Astor under the auspices of the Women's Political Union.
Jane Addams, the principal speaker, explained that women logically belong to the Progressive party because questions regarding women and children and general social conditions concerning which the opinion of women was needed had been discussed in the Chicago convention.
She differed gently with Mrs. John Rogers and Miss Caroline Lexow, who argued fervently that voteless women should not work for any political party.
Miss Addams said that the Colonel reminded her of Gladstone in his capacity for mental growth.
The small ballroom, where the banquet was held, was lavishly decorated in purple, green and white, the union tricolor, and across each table ran a wide strip of ribbon emblazoned with the legend:
"Referendum in 1915."
Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch was toastmistress. Miss Helen V. Boswell also spoke.