My dear Miss Addams:
I have this morning returned from Meadville, Pennsylvania, where I had a most pleasant and profitable week at the Institute arranged by Mrs. Spencer, the last two weeks of which were devoted to questions on Internationalism.
Mrs. Frank Cothren was there for the same period that I was, namely the last week, and also Miss Marion Tilden Burritt. One member of the Washington Branch of the Woman's Peace Party was also present and the two students who had been recommended for scholarships by the Woman's Peace Party, Miss Carrol of the University of Chicago, and Miss Moser of the University of Wisconsin. In addition there were several Meadville women who were very much interested in the work and Mrs. Spencer arranged for several conferences on the subjects of particular interest to the members of the Woman's Peace Party.
She spoke particularly of the various means of propaganda, exhibits, traveling libraries, etc., and discussed at some length the work of the Women's Council on which the Woman's Peace Party is now represented. She feels that perhaps after the war a meeting of the International in America, arranged by the National Council, may be the best means of bringing the women of all countries together again in friendliness and [cooperation], and that such a meeting, at which all questions of war are to be avoided, would be exceedingly influential. In case such a meeting could be held, the expenses of the delegates from Europe would have to be met by the American Consul <National Council> and would probably amount to about $50.000. These matters were evidently very much on Mrs. Spencer's heart and she asked us to report concerning them on our return to our home offices. She mentioned that the National Council will meet next year in Chicago some time during the spring and that the Woman's Peace Party may be very helpful at that time.
Unfortunately I missed Dr. Nasmyth's lectures as the date had been changed and I had not known of this, but I did hear Dr. Gulick's course and he discussed with much enthusiasm the plan of the World Alliance for study of International questions in the churches and Sunday schools all over the country. He asked me to submit [page 2] this plan to all members of our Board and secure the endorsement of the Woman's Peace Party, if possible, this endorsement to mean a general sympathy with the plan of the work. Mrs. Spencer thoroughly approved of this and hoped that the endorsement of the Woman's Peace Party might be secured.
I am waiting for copies of the study outlines, which Dr. Gulick will send me from New York immediately upon his return, and shall then send out letters to all members of the Board including the study outline which you may, perhaps, have seen before this.
Mrs. Thomas has, I understand, written to you in reference to the diamond ring. I did not mention it before because she had told me that she would like to take this up with you herself.
I am sending the $10.50, which I hold in the office, to Mr. Price.
I reached the city this morning in time to hurry over to Hull House for breakfast and then come to the office. It was very good to be back again.
Most sincerely yours,
Office Secretary