My dear Miss Addams:
Just before I left for my vacation I wrote to Mr. Price asking him what plans had been made for securing help for the "Radical," and two letters have been received from Mr. Price during my absence in answer to this. I am sending you copies of both of these letters. You will see by the first one, dated August 21st, Mr. Price states that though his friend is in [well-nigh] desperate straits, he still refuses aid, whereas in the second one, dated August 30th, he writes that his friend does need money and needs it badly.
I have written Mr. Price that the $50.00 pledge to us for the "Radical" will be sent to him as soon as we can collect it. I now have in the office two checks for $5.00, one from Mrs. George Mead and one from Professor James R. Angell, which I will send at once to Mr. Price.
Shall I write to Miss Smith in reference to this or will you kindly speak to her about it?
Sincerely yours,
Office Secretary