Jane Addams to Paul Underwood Kellogg, July 28, 1916

Hulls Cove Maine
July 28" 1916

My dear Mr Kellogg

Alice Hamilton sent me the [enclosed] letter and last night came the one from Mr Glenn. How strangely irrational this war makes all of us! [Although] of course Mr Glenn's letter is as nice as it can be. I think for my own satisfaction and for <your> use if you want it. I will write out the connection which seems so clear to me between social service and "the will to peace through justice" as Bullard calls it. I have a very remarkable letter from France which I think I will send you, after showing it to Miss Balch who arrives here tomorrow morning.

I feel horribly guilty about this criticism of The Survey as if I had helped pull you in, but what can one do with convictions!

Faithfully yours Jane Addams