July 26, 1916.
Dear Miss Addams:
Dr. Hamilton and I had luncheon together yesterday, and a heavy storm came up, so we took advantage of it for a good long talk.
Among other things, I showed her a serious but friendly letter [missing text] Mr. Glenn, of which the enclosed is a copy, and she suggested that I send [missing text] you. Of course it is confidential; and I had not planned to bother you [missing text] it, but Dr. Hamilton felt that you had improved so much in health and [missing text] you would be glad to read it and give me your reactions.
There are, of course, many things in what Mr. [Glenn] [missing text] would frankly admit, or go even further than he in [pointing] [missing text] fallen down in performance. On the other hand, I do [not] [missing text] to his feeling that we could consistently ignore the [missing text] peace and reconstruction; nor should I want to if we [could?] [missing text].
The answer as I see it is not to foreswear this [missing text] comes to us so freighted with the very issues of life we [are] [missing text] to bend our energies this next winter to [redouble] The Survey's [missing text] those phases of social work which have been sufferers from the [missing text] obscured by it. Unfortunately, we also have been sufferers, [missing text] measure up to our opportunity in both directions. [page 2]
But I should be very glad to have your entirely frank expression; [especially] as you would bring a [detached] point of view. Mine is rather deskbound.