Jane Addams to Rosika Schwimmer, July 24, 1916

HULL'S COVE <(Bar Harbor)>

My dear Mde Schwimmer

Your cablegram was forwarded to me, and I have since caught Miss Balch by a telegram.

She will meet us here, if you are willing to make this rather inconvenient journey again.

I am sorry that I can't come to New York or Boston, but it is a matter of prudence to avoid travelling as yet.

I need not tell you that I am most [eager] to see you [page 2] and that I am also impatient for Miss Balch's arrival.

I will telegraph you care of Miss Shelley <in New York, 70 Fifth Ave.> in case Miss Balch can come immediately after your landing, and we can have the interview at once.

Always Faithfully yours

Jane Addams

July 24" 1916

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