Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews to Jane Addams, January 25, 1916

Jan. 25, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

I cannot say positively about going to Europe in April at the present moment. A letter which I received from France a few days ago makes me feel that it is the intention of the French and British to prevent people from attending any peace gathering. It seems that the line is being drawn closer and closer. From this point of view, I am wondering if anybody can say positively that he will be in Europe at a certain time.

Aside from this, however, I should want to withhold my decision until after the meeting on February 1st of the Executive Committee of the American Branch of the Central Organization for a Durable Peace. We cabled on November 12 that we advised postponing the December Congress at Berne until April. So far, no definite time has been set for this Congress. Of course the time of my going to Europe would be governed primarily by the date of this meeting.

I should be most happy to go with you and Mrs. Kelley, and I shall let you know just as soon as I hear anything definite. I seems to me that the International Committee of Women has very serious business to transact, and of course I should like to be present.

I hope very much indeed that you are really getting better, and that you are not forcing your strength.

With very kind regards, I am

Most sincerely yours,

Fannie Fern Andrews [signed]