March 13, 1916.
Dear Miss Addams:
The news from the Ford peace workers is not encouraging, though it cannot be surprising to you or to me.
I see nothing to do in the matter of mediation, except to start anew, without publicity, to let some competent man choose his colleagues from people who know the ways and the language of the people and governments. These should gather in an inconspicuous place like Amsterdam or Utrecht, and call in as advisers their influential friends in the different nations, with money to pay all their expenses.
I can see how results might be obtained by a few of us working with intelligence and patience outside of the lime-light. The chances would be against success at best, and the inadequacy of the present group would be a heavy handicap. Personally I [lay] more stress now on the "Central Organization". A ship-load of amateurs, enthusiasts and hangers-on may serve for a demonstration. But mediation requires elements quite different.
I hope that the soft air of the South is doing you good.
Very truly yours,
David Starr Jordan [signed]