Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Josephine E. Lyon Hastings, March 10, 1916


March 10th, 1916.

My dear Mrs. Hastings:

I have had your letter on my desk for some time, intending to write you and send you some of our recent publications. Under separate cover I am [sending] you a copy of Miss Jane Addams' recent Hearing before the House Committee on Military Affairs, and also a copy of Dr. Martin D. Hardin's address, which was delivered in Chicago before the Ministers' Union on February 21st. I believe you will be interested in both of these publications.

I am including in this package a number of other pamphlets which we are distributing from this office, and, if among them there is any one of which you would like to have a few additional copies, please let me know and I should be very glad to send them to you. I would call attention to our bright colored dodgers which we are using very effectively at meetings. We are selling them at actual cost price, $.80 a thousand.

For the last week we have had a peace booth at the Panama-Pacific Medal Winners' Exposition, which is being held at the Coliseum from the first to the twelfth of March, and have [made] this a center for distribution of our literature. We have reached a very large number of people whom we would not otherwise have reached, and although the Preparedness forces are strongly represented, we find a great deal of interest shown in our own work.

With best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary,

Mrs. Josephine Hastings,
East Liverpool, Ohio.
R.D. #1,