In last night's paper I read of the meeting & protest being made by the Woman's Peace Party at Washington D.C.
May I add a few words? I am shut in from all clubs & social intercourse by invalidism -- so that the tremendous power of the press, in its subtle & insidious suggestions -- has most impressed me.
May the W.P.P. realize that their own most powerful [page 2] & far-reaching appeal will come thus, the Press.
Every day let every club in this & all neutral countries have a strong article in all the leading papers upon the sides of peace, & it will count far more than many gatherings. It will cost -- yes -- but more than extra taxes for war? Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Mr Bryan will not they give funds?
The Women of the World must rise to intercept this return to barbarism. Think of the laborers of Eng. <who> said that besides not trusting their government -- they trusted "No one"!
Think of the educated & cultivated men who after professing Christianity & the Brotherhood of Man appeal to the World for War! "for the honor of our country" "to redeem the scrap of paper"! When it's recognized everywhere that politics & commercialism are the ruling causes -- & that an ignoring of the profession of Christianity is as <a> broken scrap of paper?
Why even in the churches a Forum has been started to bring people together on this great question -- & the night I [page 3] attended what was the speaker's attitude? "We must give our boys & girls directly out of High School -- a year of military preparedness" -- (& then in a dramatic, low tone) "Don't you like it? Choose between it & the trenches"!
Threatening our people! Creating fear! Edwin Markham's fine words I add as an inspiration --
"The crest & crowning of all good,
Life's final star, is Brotherhood;
For it will bring again to Earth Her long-lost Poesy & Mirth;
Will send new light on every face, A kingly power upon the race,
And till it comes, we men are slaves, And travel downward to the dust of graves.
Come clear the way, then, clear the way; Blind creeds & kings have had their day,
[Break the dead branches from the path;] Our hope is in the aftermath --
Our hope is in heroic men, Star-led to build the world again.
To this went the ages ran; Make way for brotherhood -- make way for Man."
Hingham -- Jan. 12.
Yours in the Cause
Sara J. Lincoln --