Anna Marcet Haldeman to Jane Addams, November 11, 1915


Nov. 11, 1915

Dearest Auntie,

I got this letter from Miss Hall nearly three weeks ago and at first I thought I wouldn't send on hers to Miss Smith because I have heard your point of view so often that I think I understand it and it seems to me since you've got your law the only thing you can logically do is insist more firmly on its being enforced not help to evade it. But of course my sympathies are with Miss Hall because Auntie the children do play and they will play and they are taught to lie like sixty. One youngster I know well myself is tall for her age and dressed as a grown-up until one day when she [page 2] forgot herself and picking up her skirts to her knees (as children do when they wade raced after another youngster across the hotel lobby with the result that she and her mother went to court and had a merry and unsuccessful time of it trying to prove she was not a child! Can you imagine what a chaotic mess that young mind must have been in. Any way, I decided I'd let you or rather Miss Smith do your own talking.

That -- when I reached this decision -- was two weeks ago and Auntie since then I've been having such [an] thrilling <interesting> and absorbing friendship with Emanuel Julius, a brilliant Russian Jew (just my age) that (as [page 3] Miss Hall's letter is of the kind I answer evenings & is far from all my regular work and line of thought &,) I forgot it! Julius' studio was on the floor below mine at the Benedict but we never happened to meet (though we have lots of mutual friends and acquaintances) until we came out here to the prairie! He was Sunday editor on the Call in New York and when the appeal people went after him (<he> is on their editorial staff) and went after him determined to get him, he came because he is doing a book and wanted to be in a quiet place where he could "concentrate." (He will have ample opportunity !!) I thank heaven he is here, for we have the most wonderful times! [page 4] More about him later -- Meanwhile Miss Hall will be having fits !! For mercy's sake please either you or Miss Smith answer her quick, quick, quick -- as you love me.

Till Sunday when I will write you at length, Auntie darling --


November 11th 1915 --

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