Exhibits at St. Louis Fair suitable for a Permanent Chicago Municipal Museum and obtainable by purchase or gift:
Also Additional Exhibits presumably obtainable on loan for a Special Municipal Exposition at the Inauguration of such a Museum.
For many of the German exhibits in Hygiene the insurance values are given. These do not necessarily indicate the prices which would be demanded for the exhibits.
A few materials are mentioned which are not at the Fair, as for example, where the "N.Y. Mun. Art Soc." Or some city, as "Boston" is referred to in the left-hand marginal column which gives the "Building where found."
Paging citizens in parentheses refer to the "special catalogue" of the German Exhibit in Hygiene.
[page 2]
General Health Conditions.
B'l'd'g. where found |
Lib. Arts. |
Sixty-seven models giving comparative data showing health of German Empire [today] and since establishment of Imperial Board of Health in 1876 (p 31) |
250. |
Map showing mortality from Tuberculosis in cities of different grades in German Empire (p 146) |
12.50 |
Map showing same for [Pneumonia] (p 147) |
12.50 |
Chart showing connection between Cholora and Water Supply in Hamburg and Altoona in 1892 (p 151) |
Eighteen charts showing decrease in Small-Pox and its relation to Vaccination laws in different States of Europe for last sixty years (p 158) |
132.50 |
Map showing fall of death rate from typhoid fever and from all diseases in German cities, 1877-1902 (p 197) |
12.50 |
Ed & Soc Econ. |
Six charts showing mortality from infectious disease in London |
Chicago Health Dep't exhibit |
Loans |
New York Health Department exhibit |
Tuberculosis exhibit of New York. |
Tuberculosis exhibit of N. Y. C. O. S. |
Curative Institutions.
Lib. Arts. |
Map showing location of German Tuberculosis Sanatoria (p 42) |
12.50 |
[Fanstand] displaying veiws and building plans of 61 (out of total 90) German Tuberculosis Sanatoria (p 44) (Consult Tuberculosis people) |
2650.00 |
View of Virchow (general) Hospital (open 1905) Berlin (71) (Doubtful) |
250.00 |
Model of Disinfecting Apparatus (p 62) |
125.00 |
Plan of Disinfecting Establishment, Photos showing operation, also portable appliances (p 70) (Refer to Board of Health) |
110.00 |
[page 3]
Water Supply.
Lib Arts. |
Map (framed) showing kind of water supply, method of sewage disposal, birth rate and death rate for cities of Germany (p 42) |
150.00 |
Four Paintings: (1) Spring Water Supply, (2) Surface Water Supply, (3) Well Water Supply, (4) Works for purifying water from iron (p 20) |
715.00 |
Model showing Pumping and Purification works of Berlin Water Supply (p 37) |
500.00 |
Model of Tenement building, showing method of laying on water supply and general plumbing arrangements (p 68) |
625.00 |
Chart showing Capacity of Water Supply of German cities (122) |
Model showing Double Filtration Plant, Bromen (p 58) |
160.00 |
Loans |
N. Y. City B'l'd'g. |
Exhibit of N. Y. Water System. |
Drawing of Riverside Drive & Aqueduct. |
Model Town Hall |
Exhibit Boston Metropolitan Water Commission. |
Sewage Disposal
Lib. Arts |
Three paintings (German) showing sewage disposal by
(Sewage Farm)
(Precipitation aided by chemicals)
(Precipitation by gravity only (p 26))
537.50 |
Model of Sewage Pumping Station, Berlin (p 69) |
325.00 |
Model of Parts of Berlin Sewage Farm (p 70) |
300.00 |
Model of Sewage Precipitation (gravity) Plant, Sassel (p 82) |
75.00 |
Model of New Sewage Purification Works, Manchester |
Model, Maps, Plans, Photos of Chicago Drainage Canal |
Loans |
Mod Town Hall |
Maps, Plans [etc.] Boston Metropolitan Sewage System |
Milk Supply
Lib. Arts |
Five Maps and Diagrams showing volume, quality, method of conveyance, sources, and per capita consumption of Milk Supply for German cities (p 54) |
500.00 |
Five tables showing Milk Supply of Loipsig & Dresden (p 22) |
[page 4]
Meat Supply.
Lib Arts. |
Model of Cologne Abattoir for Cattle (p 101) |
357.50 |
Model of Cologne Abattoir for Hogs [(p 101)] |
375.50 |
Two plans of same, |
450.00 |
Public Baths
Carl Muellor People's Bath, Munich (p 106) General View – water color picture,
Fifteen photos of same,
Fanstand for the photos,
375.00 75.00
Eight Photos Wiesbaden Public Baths (p 83) |
250.00 |
Painting of Bromborg Public Bath |
400.00 |
Four Photos and two Plans of Augsburg Public Bath |
26.00 |
Chart showing popularity of public baths in 46 German cities in 1900 – Dresden Statistical Office (p 123) |
Loans |
Twin City B'l'd'g |
Photo of Island Bath, St. Paul |
U.S. B'l'd'g |
Collection of Photos of American municipal baths, Bureau of Labor Exhibit |
N.Y. City B'l'd'g |
Photos and Plans of Municipal Baths |
Street Cleaning, Household waste, Dead Animals.
Lib. Arts |
Model of Machine Street Sweeper, Sprinkler attached, Kiel (p 80) |
75.00 |
Model of Refuse Cart mechanically unloaded, Kiel (p 80) |
75.00 |
Model of dustless Garbage & Refuse Cart, Cologne (p 104) |
40.00 |
Model of Refuse Cart & Skeleton Street Car for receiving & transporting the loaded cart bodies (p 57) |
750.00 |
Album of Photos of same in operation (p 95) |
12.50 |
Model of Dresden City plant for disposing of dead animals; Photos of same; Chart showing results, Exhibit of Products (p 113) |
142.00 |
Loans |
N.Y. City B'l'd'g |
Models & Apparatus N.Y. Street Cleaning Dep't (No catalogues. Advise with Major Woodbury and then make selection) |
Model Garbage Disposal Plant, New York (private Contractor's exhibit) |
[page 5]
General Street Plan.
Lib. Arts. |
Eight Plans showing expansion of Bonn from Roman Times (p 105) |
75.00 |
Plan of Cologne, showing development & hygienic Institutions (p 97); also Panorama of city in colors |
500.00 |
Model of City of Bautzen (p 132) |
1000.00 |
Plan showing method of laying out streets ideally through expropriation (The Adicks Law) Frankfurt am Main (p 90) |
Map showing development of Munich |
125.00 |
Map showing development of Dresden
Dresden map preferred
112.50 |
Map showing development of Dusseldorf |
6.00 |
Relief Map of Stuttgart, |
750.00 |
French Bldg. |
General Map of Paris |
Map of Paris showing relative amount of Public and Private Buildings. |
Old Jerusalem. |
Model of Ancient Jerusalem. |
Loans |
N.Y. Mun. Art Sec. |
Flagg's Plan for Mail through Manhattan
Various designs for Street changes & Public Buildings
Street Construction
Lib Arts. |
Two models showing cross section of Berlin Streets with sub-surface construction (p 68) |
225.00 |
Public Buildings and Works.
Lib Arts |
Painting of City Hall and surroundings, Frankfurt am Main |
75.00 |
Model Edward 7th bridge over Thames at Kew – Painting & Photos City Hall & Surroundings, Dortmund, |
75.00 |
Four General Plans (in colors) & 15 Photos of Dusseldorf – River wharves [etc.]. |
70.00 |
Picture Kurfursten Bridge, Berlin |
70.00 |
Picture Oberbaum Bridge, Berlin |
70.00 |
[page 6]
Transp'n B'l'd'g |
Model Oberbaum Bridge, Berlin (admirable but costly) |
1437.50 |
Selection from Exhibits of Liverpool and other docks – Plans and Photos |
Model of the Free Port, Copenhagen. |
Ed & Soc. Econ. |
History of London Street Improvements (1855-1897) Big Book. |
Loans |
Frisco B'l'd'g |
Collection of Slides of San Francisco
Charts of Cross sections of streets, also Street extensions. Photos of Isles of Safety.
Charts and Photos of Parade-Managing appliances. |
Street improvement and decoration-charts and Photos of Out door art League of Calif.
Photo of Mark Hopkins Inst. Of Art
Twin City B'l'd'g |
Panorama in colors, maps, photos, City Charter Charts, Models of Public Buildings, Slides, and other materials making up admirable municipal exhibit from St. Paul and Minneapolis. |
Mod. Town Hall |
Map of Mass. State Highway Com. Photos & charts of Road Construction. |
Designs for Improved Stations on B. & A. R.R. |
Art. Gal. |
(At Fair)
Designs for Cleveland Improvement Scheme
Washington |
Designs for Washington Improvement; (Sec'y.-of-U.-S.-Exposition Cox, or Glenn Brown)
Sketch of New Penn. Station & Plaza
N.Y. Mun. Art Sec. |
Designs for Street Electroliers |
By Purchase and Loan. |
Mfg Bldg. Italy. |
Large print of Piazza Signoria, Florence |
Lib Arts |
Wasmush's Publication of German Architecture |
Bd B'l'd'g |
Large Photos of Marburg |
Art Gal. |
Large Photos of German Architecture |
V'd Ind |
Panorama Photo of Kyoto (not over clear) |
Aust Bldg. |
Large Photos of Vienna architecture |
French Bldg |
Paintings and large prints of Paris architecture |
Washington |
Two illustrated volumes on U. S. Capital by Glenn Brown. |
[page 7]
N.Y. City Bldg. |
Model Appellate Ct. House N.Y. City |
Ed & Ind. Econ. |
Photos of buildings – Oxford, Cambridge & Glasgow Universities. |
Lib Arts |
Eleven charts giving Housing conditions (p 117) |
125.00 |
Map showing varying building regulations for different districts of Manheim |
25.00 |
Two Plans and two photos of working men's houses – Stuttgart |
75.00 |
Model of apartment house, showing water supply and full plumbing arrangements with cross section of street; also electric lift (automatic) and automobile shed (p [illegible number]) |
500.00 |
Plan of Residential Block – Charlottenburg |
Twenty sketches of municipal cottages, Liverpool |
Two Photos and plans of Belfast Housing |
Eight Photos and 4 plans of Guinness Trust Tenements, London |
Loans |
U.S. Bldg. |
Photos (bureau of Labor) of improved housing, by business firms. |
Public Health and Marine Hospital Housing exhibit (Surgeon General Wyman) |
Ed & Soc Econ. |
New York Tenement House exhibit (one exhibit by City another by C.O.S.) |
Trans. Bldg. |
Five Color Sketches of dwelling and "over-night" Lodging Houses of employees of Prussian R.R.s |
Two charts in colors showing increases in family life and homes of employees on Prussian R.R.s |
Map of Berlin steam railroads, also electric elevated & underground railway with proposed extension. |
Photos of monumental stations on Berlin elevated railway. |
Photos of Elberfeldt Suspended Electric R'y. |
Prospectus, [Maps], Plans [etc.] of proposed suspended electric railway for Hamburg. |
Map of Paris Underground Railway – electric. |
French Bldg. |
Structural drawings of same |
Lib Arts. |
Two Photos of elevated portions of same. |
[page 8]
Plan of bridge for same (and for common traffic) over Seins near Eiffel Tower, showing also method of temporary shifting of old bridge. |
Trans. Bldg. |
Model of Penn. Tunnel [etc.] under New York. ([Idea]) |
Series of Maps showing in colors R.R. Development in U.S. (Tho's. J. Vivian, statistical expert, Wash'n.) |
Boston |
Photo of Boston So Station. |
Providence |
Photo of Providence [Station]. |
Loans. |
Electr'y |
Model Mono-Rail electric railway (Liverpool-Manchester) |
N.Y. City Bldg. |
Model of New York Sub-way. |
Mod Town Hall. |
Plans & Photos Boston Subway &Elevated lines. |
Parks and Playgrounds.
Loans. |
Model Town Hall |
Maps and Photos Boston Metropolitan Park system. |
Plans and Photos Boston Parks & Playgrounds. |
Art Gal. |
Plans and Photos Bronx Co. (N.Y.) Park System. |
N.Y. City Bldg. |
Model Seward Park Pavilion |
Photos of Children's [Farms?] |
N.Y. Mun. Art Soc. |
Model and sketch plans of N.Y. Recreation Piers. |
Boston |
Plans and Photos Boston Municipal Gymnasium. |
Park Board |
Designs for Chicago New Parks and Social centers. |
Mod. Playground. |
Description and Photos Model Playground & Nursery at Fair. |
School Buildings and Grounds.
Lib. Arts. |
Model of Elementary Board School, Playground [etc.] Munich. |
Ed & Soc Econ. |
Reproduction of entrance to Berlin public school. |
Color Sketch – Typical Playground, Germany. |
Model of same with apparatus [Germany] |
Painting 2x4 [Königsberg] Playground. |
Color Drawing, Breslau Botanical Garden. |
Chart showing distribution of schools and school playgrounds in |
Color Sketch of Postulant School, Breslau |
Plans of Victoria Park Schools, 1000 pupils, Birmingham. |
Photo Glasgow School – 1400 pupils. |
[page 9]
Exhibit 31, London School Board, 6 photos of school buildings, 8 photos of Potter College, Edinburgh |
Loans. |
N.Y. Mun. Art Soc. |
Improved plans for New York School Buildings, including [illegible] ↑Board of Education↓ school plans by Snyder. |
School Work.
Ed & Soc. Econ. |
Exhibit of Chicago's Public School work. |
Loans. |
Selection from exhibit of American School Work. |
U.S. Bldg. |
Charts by U.S. Bureau of Education showing progress of American Education. |
Social and Industrial Betterment.
Ed & Soc. Econ. |
German Government working man's insurance system (Loan) |
American Federation of Labor exhibits of growth of Labor organization [illegible] Socials Exhibit (?) |
U.S. Bldg. |
U.S. Bureau of Labor Industrial Charts showing standard of living, wages, strikes and social legislation. |
Ed & Soc. Econ. |
Chas. Booth's Social [Map] of London.
Chas. Booth's Statistical Chart of London
Chas. Booth's Public House, School & Church map of London.
Boston |
Charts and Maps of So. End House Studies of Boston. |
Ed & Soc Econ. |
Exhibits of Garden City, Port Sunlight & Bourneville. |
28 Statistical charts (British Board of Trade) showing Trade and social conditions of United Kingdom (Capt. Percy Aitkin, [Children] Com. On Education, British Building.) |
Pamphlet and [illegible] other exhibits of N.J. Bureau of Statistics on "Industrial Betterment Institutions in New Jersey." |
Perhaps some [periodicals?] from Institute of social service on Schools, Baths and factory betterment in U.S. |
Two Photos, also [working] schedules of Toynbee Hall. |
Chicago |
Photos of Chicago and other settlements. |
N.Y. City Bldg. |
Wall Photos of [Subsidized] Charitable Institutions of New York City. |
City Government and Administration.
Twin City Bldg. |
Charts setting forth charter [powers] and political organization of St. Paul (Loan) |
Ed & Soc. Econ. |
Chicago Police Exhibit; Japanese Police Exhibit; Dist. of Col. Police Exhibit, |
Twin City Bldg. |
Smoke abaitment exhibit. Similar exhibit obtainable from Cleveland. |
French Bldg. |
Collection of Books on Architecture, institutions, expansion and History of Paris. |
Various Bldgs. |
Catalogues and Literature. |