Tentative Schedule of Exhibits at St. Louis Fair Suitable for a Permanent Chicago Municipal Museum and Obtained by Purchase or Gift, October 1904



Exhibits at St. Louis Fair suitable for a Permanent Chicago Municipal Museum and obtainable by purchase or gift:

Also Additional Exhibits presumably obtainable on loan for a Special Municipal Exposition at the Inauguration of such a Museum.

For many of the German exhibits in Hygiene the insurance values are given. These do not necessarily indicate the prices which would be demanded for the exhibits.

A few materials are mentioned which are not at the Fair, as for example, where the "N.Y. Mun. Art Soc." Or some city, as "Boston" is referred to in the left-hand marginal column which gives the "Building where found."

Paging citizens in parentheses refer to the "special catalogue" of the German Exhibit in Hygiene.

[page 2]


General Health Conditions.

B'l'd'g. where found



Lib. Arts.

Sixty-seven models giving comparative data showing health of German Empire [today] and since establishment of Imperial Board of Health in 1876 (p 31)



Map showing mortality from Tuberculosis in cities of different grades in German Empire (p 146)



Map showing same for [Pneumonia] (p 147)



Chart showing connection between Cholora and Water Supply in Hamburg and Altoona in 1892 (p 151)



Eighteen charts showing decrease in Small-Pox and its relation to Vaccination laws in different States of Europe for last sixty years (p 158)



Map showing fall of death rate from typhoid fever and from all diseases in German cities, 1877-1902 (p 197)


Ed & Soc Econ.

Six charts showing mortality from infectious disease in London



Chicago Health Dep't exhibit






New York Health Department exhibit



Tuberculosis exhibit of New York.



Tuberculosis exhibit of N. Y. C. O. S.


Curative Institutions.

Lib. Arts.

Map showing location of German Tuberculosis Sanatoria (p 42)



[Fanstand] displaying veiws and building plans of 61 (out of total 90) German Tuberculosis Sanatoria (p 44) (Consult Tuberculosis people)



View of Virchow (general) Hospital (open 1905) Berlin (71) (Doubtful)



Model of Disinfecting Apparatus (p 62)



Plan of Disinfecting Establishment, Photos showing operation, also portable appliances (p 70) (Refer to Board of Health)


[page 3]

Water Supply.

Lib Arts.

Map (framed) showing kind of water supply, method of sewage disposal, birth rate and death rate for cities of Germany (p 42)



Four Paintings: (1) Spring Water Supply, (2) Surface Water Supply, (3) Well Water Supply, (4) Works for purifying water from iron (p 20)



Model showing Pumping and Purification works of Berlin Water Supply (p 37)



Model of Tenement building, showing method of laying on water supply and general plumbing arrangements (p 68)



Chart showing Capacity of Water Supply of German cities (122)



Model showing Double Filtration Plant, Bromen (p 58)





N. Y. City B'l'd'g.

Exhibit of N. Y. Water System.



Drawing of Riverside Drive & Aqueduct.


Model Town Hall

Exhibit Boston Metropolitan Water Commission.



Sewage Disposal

Lib. Arts

Three paintings (German) showing sewage disposal by
(Sewage Farm)
(Precipitation aided by chemicals)
(Precipitation by gravity only (p 26))



Model of Sewage Pumping Station, Berlin (p 69)



Model of Parts of Berlin Sewage Farm (p 70)



Model of Sewage Precipitation (gravity) Plant, Sassel (p 82)



Model of New Sewage Purification Works, Manchester



Model, Maps, Plans, Photos of Chicago Drainage Canal





Mod Town Hall

Maps, Plans [etc.] Boston Metropolitan Sewage System


Milk Supply

Lib. Arts

Five Maps and Diagrams showing volume, quality, method of conveyance, sources, and per capita consumption of Milk Supply for German cities (p 54)



Five tables showing Milk Supply of Loipsig & Dresden (p 22)


[page 4]

Meat Supply.

Lib Arts.

Model of Cologne Abattoir for Cattle (p 101)



Model of Cologne Abattoir for Hogs [(p 101)]



Two plans of same,


Public Baths


Carl Muellor People's Bath, Munich (p 106)

General View – water color picture,
Fifteen photos of same,
Fanstand for the photos,



Eight Photos Wiesbaden Public Baths (p 83)



Painting of Bromborg Public Bath



Four Photos and two Plans of Augsburg Public Bath



Chart showing popularity of public baths in 46 German cities in 1900 – Dresden Statistical Office (p 123)





Twin City B'l'd'g

Photo of Island Bath, St. Paul


U.S. B'l'd'g

Collection of Photos of American municipal baths, Bureau of Labor Exhibit


N.Y. City B'l'd'g

Photos and Plans of Municipal Baths



Street Cleaning, Household waste, Dead Animals.

Lib. Arts

Model of Machine Street Sweeper, Sprinkler attached, Kiel (p 80)



Model of Refuse Cart mechanically unloaded, Kiel (p 80)



Model of dustless Garbage & Refuse Cart, Cologne (p 104)



Model of Refuse Cart & Skeleton Street Car for receiving & transporting the loaded cart bodies (p 57)



Album of Photos of same in operation (p 95)



Model of Dresden City plant for disposing of dead animals; Photos of same; Chart showing results, Exhibit of Products (p 113)





N.Y. City B'l'd'g

Models & Apparatus N.Y. Street Cleaning Dep't (No catalogues. Advise with Major Woodbury and then make selection)



Model Garbage Disposal Plant, New York (private Contractor's exhibit)


[page 5]


General Street Plan.

Lib. Arts.

Eight Plans showing expansion of Bonn from Roman Times (p 105)



Plan of Cologne, showing development & hygienic Institutions (p 97); also Panorama of city in colors



Model of City of Bautzen (p 132)



Plan showing method of laying out streets ideally through expropriation (The Adicks Law) Frankfurt am Main (p 90)



Map showing development of Munich



Map showing development of Dresden
Dresden map preferred



Map showing development of Dusseldorf



Relief Map of Stuttgart,


French Bldg.

General Map of Paris



Map of Paris showing relative amount of Public and Private Buildings.


Old Jerusalem.

Model of Ancient Jerusalem.





N.Y. Mun. Art Sec.

Flagg's Plan for Mail through Manhattan
Various designs for Street changes & Public Buildings



Street Construction

Lib Arts.

Two models showing cross section of Berlin Streets with sub-surface construction (p 68)



Public Buildings and Works.

Lib Arts

Painting of City Hall and surroundings, Frankfurt am Main



Model Edward 7th bridge over Thames at Kew – Painting & Photos City Hall & Surroundings, Dortmund,



Four General Plans (in colors) & 15 Photos of Dusseldorf – River wharves [etc.].



Picture Kurfursten Bridge, Berlin



Picture Oberbaum Bridge, Berlin


 [page 6]

Transp'n B'l'd'g

Model Oberbaum Bridge, Berlin (admirable but costly)



Selection from Exhibits of Liverpool and other docks – Plans and Photos



Model of the Free Port, Copenhagen.


Ed & Soc. Econ.

History of London Street Improvements (1855-1897) Big Book.





Frisco B'l'd'g

Collection of Slides of San Francisco
Charts of Cross sections of streets, also Street extensions. Photos of Isles of Safety.



Charts and Photos of Parade-Managing appliances.



Street improvement and decoration-charts and Photos of Out door art League of Calif.
Photo of Mark Hopkins Inst. Of Art


Twin City B'l'd'g

Panorama in colors, maps, photos, City Charter Charts, Models of Public Buildings, Slides, and other materials making up admirable municipal exhibit from St. Paul and Minneapolis.


Mod. Town Hall

Map of Mass. State Highway Com. Photos & charts of Road Construction.



Designs for Improved Stations on B. & A. R.R.


Art. Gal.

(At Fair)
Designs for Cleveland Improvement Scheme



Designs for Washington Improvement; (Sec'y.-of-U.-S.-Exposition Cox, or Glenn Brown)
Sketch of New Penn. Station & Plaza


N.Y. Mun. Art Sec.

Designs for Street Electroliers
Isles of Safety Street labeling.





By Purchase and Loan.


Mfg Bldg. Italy.

Large print of Piazza Signoria, Florence


Lib Arts

Wasmush's Publication of German Architecture


Bd B'l'd'g

Large Photos of Marburg


Art Gal.

Large Photos of German Architecture


V'd Ind

Panorama Photo of Kyoto (not over clear)


Aust Bldg.

Large Photos of Vienna architecture


French Bldg

Paintings and large prints of Paris architecture



Two illustrated volumes on U. S. Capital by Glenn Brown.


 [page 7]

N.Y. City Bldg.

Model Appellate Ct. House N.Y. City


Ed & Ind. Econ.

Photos of buildings – Oxford, Cambridge & Glasgow Universities.




Lib Arts

Eleven charts giving Housing conditions (p 117)



Map showing varying building regulations for different districts of Manheim



Two Plans and two photos of working men's houses – Stuttgart



Model of apartment house, showing water supply and full plumbing arrangements with cross section of street; also electric lift (automatic) and automobile shed (p [illegible number])



Plan of Residential Block – Charlottenburg



Twenty sketches of municipal cottages, Liverpool



Two Photos and plans of Belfast Housing



Eight Photos and 4 plans of Guinness Trust Tenements, London





U.S. Bldg.

Photos (bureau of Labor) of improved housing, by business firms.



Public Health and Marine Hospital Housing exhibit (Surgeon General Wyman)


Ed & Soc Econ.

New York Tenement House exhibit (one exhibit by City another by C.O.S.)




Trans. Bldg.

Five Color Sketches of dwelling and "over-night" Lodging Houses of employees of Prussian R.R.s



Two charts in colors showing increases in family life and homes of employees on Prussian R.R.s



Map of Berlin steam railroads, also electric elevated & underground railway with proposed extension.



Photos of monumental stations on Berlin elevated railway.



Photos of Elberfeldt Suspended Electric R'y.



Prospectus, [Maps], Plans [etc.] of proposed suspended electric railway for Hamburg.



Map of Paris Underground Railway – electric.


French Bldg.

Structural drawings of same


Lib Arts.

Two Photos of elevated portions of same.


 [page 8]


Plan of bridge for same (and for common traffic) over Seins near Eiffel Tower, showing also method of temporary shifting of old bridge.


Trans. Bldg.

Model of Penn. Tunnel [etc.] under New York. ([Idea])



Series of Maps showing in colors R.R. Development in U.S. (Tho's. J. Vivian, statistical expert, Wash'n.)



Photo of Boston So Station.



Photo of Providence [Station].






Model Mono-Rail electric railway (Liverpool-Manchester)


N.Y. City Bldg.

Model of New York Sub-way.


Mod Town Hall.

Plans & Photos Boston Subway &Elevated lines.



Parks and Playgrounds.




Model Town Hall

Maps and Photos Boston Metropolitan Park system.



Plans and Photos Boston Parks & Playgrounds.


Art Gal.

Plans and Photos Bronx Co. (N.Y.) Park System.


N.Y. City Bldg.

Model Seward Park Pavilion



Photos of Children's [Farms?]


N.Y. Mun. Art Soc.

Model and sketch plans of N.Y. Recreation Piers.



Plans and Photos Boston Municipal Gymnasium.


Park Board

Designs for Chicago New Parks and Social centers.


Mod. Playground.

Description and Photos Model Playground & Nursery at Fair.



School Buildings and Grounds.

Lib. Arts.

Model of Elementary Board School, Playground [etc.] Munich.


Ed & Soc Econ.

Reproduction of entrance to Berlin public school.



Color Sketch – Typical Playground, Germany.



Model of same with apparatus [Germany]



Painting 2x4 [Königsberg] Playground.



Color Drawing, Breslau Botanical Garden.



Chart showing distribution of schools and school playgrounds in



Color Sketch of Postulant School, Breslau



Plans of Victoria Park Schools, 1000 pupils, Birmingham.



Photo Glasgow School – 1400 pupils.


 [page 9]


Exhibit 31, London School Board, 6 photos of school buildings, 8 photos of Potter College, Edinburgh





N.Y. Mun. Art Soc.

Improved plans for New York School Buildings, including [illegible] ↑Board of Education↓ school plans by Snyder.




School Work.

Ed & Soc. Econ.

Exhibit of Chicago's Public School work.






Selection from exhibit of American School Work.


U.S. Bldg.

Charts by U.S. Bureau of Education showing progress of American Education.



Social and Industrial Betterment.

Ed & Soc. Econ.

German Government working man's insurance system (Loan)



American Federation of Labor exhibits of growth of Labor organization [illegible] Socials Exhibit (?)


U.S. Bldg.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Industrial Charts showing standard of living, wages, strikes and social legislation.


Ed & Soc. Econ.

Chas. Booth's Social [Map] of London.
Chas. Booth's Statistical Chart of London
Chas. Booth's Public House, School & Church map of London.



Charts and Maps of So. End House Studies of Boston.


Ed & Soc Econ.

Exhibits of Garden City, Port Sunlight & Bourneville.



28 Statistical charts (British Board of Trade) showing Trade and social conditions of United Kingdom (Capt. Percy Aitkin, [Children] Com. On Education, British Building.)



Pamphlet and [illegible] other exhibits of N.J. Bureau of Statistics on "Industrial Betterment Institutions in New Jersey."



Perhaps some [periodicals?] from Institute of social service on Schools, Baths and factory betterment in U.S.



Two Photos, also [working] schedules of Toynbee Hall.



Photos of Chicago and other settlements.


N.Y. City Bldg.

Wall Photos of [Subsidized] Charitable Institutions of New York City.



City Government and Administration.

Twin City Bldg.

Charts setting forth charter [powers] and political organization of St. Paul (Loan)


Ed & Soc. Econ.

Chicago Police Exhibit; Japanese Police Exhibit; Dist. of Col. Police Exhibit,


Twin City Bldg.

Smoke abaitment exhibit. Similar exhibit obtainable from Cleveland.


French Bldg.

Collection of Books on Architecture, institutions, expansion and History of Paris.


Various Bldgs.

Catalogues and Literature.



Item Relations


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