William Stone Booth to Jane Addams, May 24, 1902

The Macmillan Company,
66 Fifth Avenue,
New York, May 24, 1902.

My dear Miss Addams:--

I find on inquiry from our manufacturing department that they have unfortunately overlooked your wish to make corrections in the second printing. We have not brought out a new edition of course in the bibliographical sense of the word, as it is exactly the same as the first printing. The orders came in for the book in such a satisfactory way that rush orders were given to the manufacturing people which accounts for the oversight, for which please accept our sincere apologies.

If you will send us your corrections at once we will send them on to the printer with instructions to change the plates before striking off any more copies. If you will kindly address your letter to me I shall be only too pleased to see that your wishes are promptly carried out. As the second printing has not been a very large one, I shall hope that it may soon run out and that the third printing may come soon so your changes can be made.

Very sincerely yours, 

W. S. Booth [signed]
Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

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