Chrystal Macmillan to Jane Addams, October 23, 1915

Chicago to
October 23rd 1915

Dear Miss Addams

Please excuse pencil but my pen will not write.

When you have the [four] copies of the minutes typed will you send one directly to Dr Jacobs at Headquarters because I might have trouble at the frontier with my copy. Mme Schwimmer suggested that both you and she could sign it and Dr Jacobs & I could sign it later.

I hope you will think seriously about writing a letter to the Committee for its meeting in December. I am sure such a letter would materially help to make things go smoothly as they ought to go in a Peace Society.

I was sorry not to have more time to see Hull House today having heard so much about it.

Yours sincerely Chrystal Macmillan over [page 2]

P.S. With reference to that remark in Miss Courtney's letter that the British Committee had recommended against having belligerents on the Committee I <seem to> have some kind of recollection that they either wrote suggesting Miss Heymann or that Dr Jacobs reported their having so recommended. Possibly the suggestion was made in a private letter to me.