[My] dear Miss Addams—
I wonder if you remember the mountain Settlement workers that you met at the College Settlement in Philadelphia this Spring. You said that you wished you had known of us and our work earlier as you could have spoken to Mr. W. H. Baldwin Jr. of the Southern Educational Association of the School [page 2] that we are to start in the Kentucky mountains. As you are to see Mr. Baldwin again this month, I am sure it will help if you will speak to him. We are hoping that the S.E.A. will give us something every year to help pay the current expenses.
As you know we have been going to the Mountains for [illegible] summers doing settlement work. The people asked us to come and stay with them all the time and have charge of their school. There are 290 children [page 3] in that district and [two] very incompetent mountain teachers. We have enough money for the School building and the Log Cabin Settlement house. We have just returned from the mountains, a trip of 200 miles by rail and 96 on horseback and if the S.E.A. could have seen and heard the meeting held in the Court House by the citizens of Knott Co they would have been interested. Miss Stone and I are to go there the first of June to get the School building in order and have the Cabin settlement put up [page 4] by the first of August when the School will begin. We are to have first class teachers and Miss Stone and I will do the Settlement work. We will have to go to Boston in the Autumn to see some friends who told us that if we would start the work and then go to them they would give something to help pay the teachers, but we hope to be able to spend the time in the mountains and not out soliciting funds, which we are hoping that the S.E.A. will make possible.
I was greatly interested in what you had to say about [page 5] the weaving at Hull House, and would be very glad to have the name and address of the Lady who has charge of that department of work. May I have a sample of the linen made there that they use for shirt waists. I am sure what we are doing to revive the loom industry in the Kentucky mountains will mean much for the women. [page 6]
Hoping that I am not asking too much of you—
Tony Curtis
Hey Cathy,
Great letter between Katerine Pettit and Jane Addams! I was at the Pine Mountain Settlement School in Eastern Kentucky this past weekend and wanted to know more about Pettit’s relationship to Addams.
I believe the “Miss Stone” mentioned in this letter is May Stone (Katherine Pettit’s partner and fellow Kentuckian at Hindman Settlement School) and not as tagged in the “Mentions” as Flora Stone Mather.
I hope this helps!
Tony Curtis
Former CWGK Editor
Cathy Moran Hajo
Hi Tony, Once an editor, always an editor! Thanks for the help--I'll make the changes!