Dear Miss [Addams]:
Enclosed I am sending you a copy of a letter which I sent to the Chicago Tribune and which I consider would be of some interest to you.
I have also appealed to Honorable Wm. Bryan that he should approach the parties who have the most influence in the World's Peace Union, to follow-up the suggestion, which I believe it was Mr. Rielley of New York who made mention of same at the Peace Meeting on September 6th at Chicago, that such millionaires as Carnegie and others should contribute to a financial fund to enable the World's Peace Union to do the proper work.
The enclosed abstract of the letter will give you my idea.
Hoping that our peace propaganda will prosper and I am positive it will if it is done in a systematical and business way and manner as proposed.
With kind regards, I am
Yours truly,
John Berwald [signed]