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  • Tags: Poland

Siedlecka and Pawlowska request that Poland's women be granted a place in the Woman's Peace Congress.

Luxemburg details her imprisonment for writing anti-war pamphlets, and asks for reading material.

John Szlupas writes Jane Addams in regards to his movement to improve education in Eastern Europe.

Sujkowska, Budzińska-Tylicka, and Prauss tell Addams about problems in establishing a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom section in Poland.

Czaplicka tells Balch about efforts to establish the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section.

Balch sends Addams correspondence regarding establishing the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section.

Balch writes Czaplicka with regard to establishing a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom section in Poland.

Boyden sends Addams propaganda against Poland and bemoans the attacks by both Germans and Jews.

Two postcards showing scenes from Kalisz before World War I.

Balch brings to the attention of Addams that Polish women have been denied a say in their League of Nations and urges all sections of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to fight for recognition of their voting rights.

Marshall discusses efforts by German women to work with Polish women in Upper Silesia to foster peace.

Marshall sends Ishii a proposal on the Silesian question drafted by the German women of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom for the League of Nations.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section questions the motives of members of the Ukranian Section when it comes to the issue of Galicia.

Balch apologizes to Heymann about the delay in responding to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section and sends a response which she is not sure is worth sending.

Balch sends Addams her correspondence with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section for her information.

Marshall asks Glücklich for information about staffing for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and tells of her health and travel restrictions.