74 results
- Tags: Patriotism
- Item Type: Text
The Higher Patriotism, October 7, 1904
Addams defines a new patriotism as one that tries new things and takes risks to do what it right. The speech was given at the International Peace Conference in Boston.
Henry Churchill King to Jane Addams, November 23, 1910
King invites Addams to give the Washington's Birthday address at Oberlin College.
Jane Addams to Gino C. Speranza, March 28, 1912
Addams informs Speranza about a speech she gave on immigrants and the naturalization process, and suggests that his committee look into it.
The Steps by Which I Became a Progressive, September-October 1912
Addams offers a biographical justification of why she has entered politics and joined the Progressive Party. The article was published in October 1912.
The Progressive Party and Social Legislation, September 18, 1912
Addams reports on the Progressive Party Convention, discussing how items were added to its platform, particularly labor and military planks, and her dismay about the conventions unjust treatment of African-Americans. This is one of a series of articles she prepared as part of the Progressive Party campaign in 1912.
Jane Addams Relates the Steps by Which She Became a Progressive, October 12, 1912
Addams offers a biographical justification of why she has entered politics and joined the Progressive Party.
Abraham Lincoln Lee to Jane Addams, February 12, 1913
Lee thanks Addams for her statement in the article Has "Has Emancipation Been Nullified," and praises Abraham Lincoln, and discusses slavery and the virtues of liberty.
Address at the Woman's Peace Party Conference in Washington, January 10, 1915
Addams gave this speech at the Woman's Constructive Peace Conference in Washington, D.C., on the reasons why women need to become more active in politics and the peace movement.
Adelaide M. Plumptre to Jane Addams, April 15, 1915 (fragment)
Plumptre, on behalf of the National Committee of Women's Patriotic Service, criticizes Addams about her views on peace and informs her about an open letter published in Canada.
Presidential Address, International Congress of Women at The Hague, May 1, 1915
Addams congratulates the delegates for their work, discusses the Congress' findings, and calls for a greater spirit of internationalism. She notes that the task falls to women to complete.
War's Debasement of Women, May 2, 1915
An interview with Addams, by Marshall, right before she leaves for the The Hague peace conference. In this interview Addams discusses the importance of the conference and of women's peace movements.
Address at Carnegie Hall, July 9, 1915 Also known as Revolt Against War, July 9, 1915
Addams's speech on her return from Europe detailed the work of the International Congress of Women and her ideas on peace.
The Revolt Against War, July 17, 1915
A published version of Addams's Carnegie Hall speech, held July 9, on her return from Europe. In it Adams detailed the work of the International Congress of Women and her ideas on peace.
Address of Miss Jane Addams, Delivered at Carnegie Hall, July 9, 1915
Addams reports the efforts of the International Congress of Women, the delegations to heads of European countries, and her views on peace. The speech was given at Carnegie Hall on July 9 and published on July 31, 1915.
Interview with Edward Marshall, July 11, 1915
Addams talks with New York Times reporter Edward Marshall about World War I and the efforts of the International Council of Women to start peace negotiations.
Address at the Chicago Auditorium, July 22, 1915
Addams discusses her work with the International Congress of Women, the delegations to European leaders, and her views on the need for peace. The event was held at the Chicago Auditorium and attended by both peace activists and the general public, and chaired by Charles L. Hutchinson.
Mabel L. Hyers to Mary Onahan Gallery, December 6, 1915
Hyers informs Gallery that it is not possible for the Woman's Peace Party to use her article.
Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Irene Johnson Cook, February 11, 1916
The Woman's Peace Party suggests that Cook organize a meeting on February 22nd in Silver City, and would be sent materials if she wanted to participate.
War Times Challenging Woman's Traditions, August 5, 1916
Addams explores women's responses to war, looking at its costs in terms of lives and social welfare, and questions of patriotism.
Patriotism and Pacifists in War Time (fragment), Spring 1917
A fragmented document written by Addams, possibly a draft of a speech she would later give. In it, Addams argues how nationalistic ideas are beginning to cloud peoples judgement about the war.
Patriotism and Pacifists, Spring 1917
Addams argues how ideas about nationalism and patriotism are beginning to cloud people's judgement about the war.
Patriotism and Pacifists, Spring 1917
Addams argues how ideas about nationalism and patriotism are beginning to cloud peoples judgment about the war.
Elizabeth Breeze Vermilye to Jane Addams February 19, 1917
Vermilye criticizes Addams's request for a referendum and explains that there are some times when war is necessary to protect the nation.
Jane Addams to Carrie Chapman Catt, February 22, 1917
Addams requests that Catt does not begin preparing for war during the upcoming National American Woman Suffrage Association meeting as many women still hope it will not be declared.
Charles A. Love to Jane Addams, March 2, 1917
Love writes to Addams about Germany's warmongering and condemns its militarism.
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