67 results

  • Mentions: Government of the United Kingdom

The authors report on a fact-finding trip organized by the Women's International League to report on condition in Ireland during its war of independence.

Addams discusses the role of international courts and organizations in avoiding war and settling disputes.

Alley denies allegations that the American government has forestalled the repatriation of prisoners of war in Siberia.

Adee confirms that the American Young Men's Christian Association has never offered to repatriate prisoners of war.

The author asks Addams to stand against polygamy, which she fears will infect the United States due to war casualties. .

An anonymous letter asks Addams to intervene to ensure that the British government does not starve the German people.

Parsons goes over multiple points about the current climate around the war in Europe and how President Wilson can keep America neutral.

Marshall argues that disarmament will reduce military spending and urges delegates to the Washington Conference to work towards peace
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Printed version of Addams' Presidential Address at the National Conference on Charities and Correction, held in St. Louis on May 19-26. Addams reviews the history of charity work and the challenges ahead. She gives examples from her experiences at Hull-House and others.
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Printed version of Addams' Presidential Address at the National Conference on Charities and Correction, held in St. Louis on May 19-26. Addams reviews the history of charity work and the challenges ahead. She gives examples from her experiences at Hull-House and others.
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Addams' Presidential Address at the National Conference on Charities and Correction, held in St. Louis on May 19-26. Addams reviews the history of charity work and the challenges ahead. She gives examples from her experiences at Hull-House and others.

Logan discusses the economic effects of war, and suggests that international trade could be levered in the cause of peace.

Macmillan tells Addams that the French government is raiding the offices and homes of peace activists and updates her on the English Government's stance on peace negotiations.

Jones sends Addams a rambling discussion of his views on science, peace and evolution.

The Guardian discusses a delegation of English to the United States hoping to stir support for the miner's strike.

Apcar tells Addams about the persecution of Armenian and Assyrian Christians perpetrated by the British and French.

Also known as Emily Greene Balch to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Officers, May 1922

Balch alerts the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom officers about the situation in Greece, Turkey, and Armenia, and presents proposals for action by Sections.

Balch asks the New York Times to support efforts to have the United States postpone Austrian war debts until the country is back on its feet.

A discussion of efforts to block labor activists from traveling in England and making international connections with other labor groups.

Smedley reviews Ellen La Motte's The Opium Monopoly, a scathing condemnation of British imperialism.

Dudley commiserates with Addams about the United States entering World War I and how peace groups are reacting.

Barnett tells Addams that she will try to meet with her when she lands in England in June and wants to talk about the Ireland situation.

Clark tells Detzer about the role the United States' Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom can play on the disarmament issue.

Willis updates Addams on British plans for the International Women's Congress and their request to President Wilson to include women in the Peace Conference.