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  • Mentions: Woods, Amy (1875-1951)

Addams invites members of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section to donate to The Hague Conference.

Addams offers Heymann accomodations in Chicago and lecture possibilities. She notes that she keeps a strict division between the work of the Women's International League for Peace in the United States and abroad.
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Also known as Address to the Annual Meeting of the United States Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, April 28, 1925

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America.

Post asks Addams and Balch for clarification about who is publishing the French and German reports and what funds are to be used.

Post tells Addams her responses to telegram regarding the publication of the Report of the International Congress of Women.

Post telegrams Addams asking whether the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom bulletin should include financial reporting.

Spencer tells Addams her concerns about Women's International League for Peace and Freedom activities and fundraising for the 1924 International Congress of Women.

Kirchhoff thanks Addams for her help and describes her experiences at the International Congress of Women.

Balch tells Swanwick that they have moved the location of the Summer School and discusses staffing plans at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to cover her six month rest.

Balch tells Addams her thought on upcoming events and long-term plans for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Balch tells Addams about activities in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom office and her take on the Genoa Conference, and answers some of Addams's questions.

Balch tells Addams about plans for The Hague Conference and 1923 Summer Schools.

Balch tells Addams of decisions made at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting regarding a December meeting, summer schools and staffing.

Balch welcomes Addams home and tells of her plans to remain in the United States and work for peace there.

Balch sends Glücklich initial plans for the 1924 International Congress of Women.

Raven suggests inviting Juan Justo to the 1925 International Congress of Women and extols his accomplishments.

Jüllig asks Addams if her organization can speak on disarmament at the International Congress of Women.

Moore tells the National Council of Women's Executive Committee that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom was advised to resign from their organization, sent a letter resigning , but then rescinded it.

Taussig asks Addams if the Pax Special can stop in St. Louis, noting that there is interest in lectures from several foreign countries.

Abbott tells Addams that she cannot serve on the Summer School Committee, but suggests Mollie Carroll in her stead.

Hull asks Addams to contact Mary Brite regarding a possible donation to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and asks her advice on the problem of the national secretaryship.

Addams discusses the unequal relationship between Mexico and the United States and efforts in Mexico to prevent economic dependence on America. This was a speech given on April 28, 1925 at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section meeting.

Addams lists names of people who should receive copies of a letter by Emily Balch.

Addams telegrams Post to delay publication of the Report on the International Congress of Women to include more information on the British Section.

Addams sends Woods an article by David Starr Jordan on the Japanese immigration question.