74 results

  • Mentions: Woods, Amy (1875-1951)

Addams tells Balch that she thinks the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section should use funding for publishing the Summer School proceedings.

Addams sends Woods an article by David Starr Jordan on the Japanese immigration question.

Glücklich tells Addams about the deaths of recent friends and her problems keeping up with the office work and other challenges facing the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

A financial summary of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom expenses related to the International Congress of Women, the Pax Special and office expenses.

Addams writes Woods about internal matters related to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and remarks that the organization is still under attack for its position during the World War.

The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom clarifies confusion about expenses paid to its United States Section office from the Fifty Thousand Dollar Fund.

The statement reports the cash on hand after conference, summer school, and travel expenses.

Post tells Addams her responses to telegram regarding the publication of the Report of the International Congress of Women.

Hull asks Addams to contact Mary Brite regarding a possible donation to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and asks her advice on the problem of the national secretaryship.

Post asks Addams and Balch for clarification about who is publishing the French and German reports and what funds are to be used.

Glücklich updates Addams on work following the International Congress of Women and asks about a publication from the Summer School.

Addams tells Schwimmer that she has never heard of the coat story and sends instructions for obtaining lectures from the Summer School.

Jüllig asks Addams if her organization can speak on disarmament at the International Congress of Women.

Ingham tells Addams about the mass resignation of office staff working on the International Congress of Women due to their inability to work Amy Woods and others.

Glücklich tells Addams about efforts in Europe to prepare for the International Congress of Women.

A report on the Pax Special stop in Dayton.

A report of the Pax Special's activities in Cincinnati tells of speakers, receptions, and police detectives.

Ingham updates Addams on the planning for the International Congress of Women.

Lewis asks Addams about the possibility of hiring Amy Woods as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section Executive Secretary and outlines plans for the Section's future.

Addams tells Lewis that she will try to raise more funds to bring European delegates over to the International Congress of Women.

Addams offers Heymann accomodations in Chicago and lecture possibilities. She notes that she keeps a strict division between the work of the Women's International League for Peace in the United States and abroad.

Addams sends Dulles some checks to be send to the Summer School fund and discusses who should choose delegates to ride on the Pax Special.

Kellogg asks Addams if she might be able to attend the Survey Associates board meeting if they change the date.

Taussig asks Addams if the Pax Special can stop in St. Louis, noting that there is interest in lectures from several foreign countries.

Raven suggests inviting Juan Justo to the 1925 International Congress of Women and extols his accomplishments.