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  • Subject is exactly "conferences"

Gordon reports on a conference of clergymen promoting world peace through religious collaboration.

Addams discusses the events of the International Congress of Women, including presentations by Schwimmer, Augsburg, and Pethick-Lawrence.

Addams retells the events of the day, April 29th, at the The Hague Convention. Issues Addams details include peace and arbitration for ending World War I.
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Addams argues that it is time for women to work in groups and advocate for causes that are important to them, like peace. Addams gave this address at the National Peace Congress in Chicago. This version was published in the proceedings.

Addams discusses the International Congress of Women's stance against war and the role American women play.

Bryan introduces Addams to the US Embassy in the Netherlands for her trip to The Hague.

Short tells Addams that there is a conference arranged for Thursday.

Parker asks Addams her opinion about postponing the International Conference of Social Work to 1926.

Glücklich expresses her surprise at the small amount of American delegates in Sweden, and asks Addams if the others would be able to hurry.

Glücklich asks Addams for information about the American delegation to the Conference on the Traffic of Women.

Note addressed to Addams praising her article and commenting on the Woman Suffrage Party event on May 20, 1912.

Herrick declines an offer to join the Peace Conference, but expresses her sympathy on behalf of her department.

Cocroft writes Addams to express her desire to aid in the suffrage movement.

FitzGerald writes Addams regarding Susanna Cocroft's offer to send a copy of the Peace Party platform to her pupils and some minutes from the recent conference.

Franklin reports to Addams that working women will not be represented at the peace conference. She hopes that Addams will not forget about them despite their absence.
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Louise de Koven Bowen presented the report of the Children's Committee of the National Conference on Charities and Correction for Jane Addams, discussing the lives of children in tenements and proposing more resources for recreation for them. The speech was given during a session on Children held on May 23.

Addams speaks at the National Convention of Women about the benefits of suffrage for women in America.

Breckinridge suggests Graham Taylor in place of Addams to serve on the Congress on Public Assistance in Antwerp.

Breckinridge writes to discuss meeting plans for the Woman's Peace Party and Conference of American Representatives of Oppressed or Dependent Nationalities.

Addams's secretary notes that she is on the East coast and that when she returns, she will write a statement for Sewall.

Addams' secretary responds to Flexer's note about the trip to The Hague.

The American Federation of Labor will not be sending representatives to the Washington peace meeting because the Executive Council does not feel that the meeting is in line with the AFL's stance.

Schwimmer stresses the importance of publicity for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Washington Conference and urges Addams to begin promoting it.

Forbes informs Addams that one of the Woman's Peace Party's branches has members interested in attending the upcoming conference.