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  • Subject is exactly "Europe, economic conditions"

Dulles explores the implications of the World War I reparations on the world's economy. The speech was initially delivered at the League of Free Nations Association on March 12, 1931 in New York and then published in the New Republic.

Lindemann tells Addams about the plight of Germany and asks help employing German women.

French asks Addams to help call for American intervention in Germany's financial crisis.

Also known as Significance of the Washington Conference, November 20, 1921 (excerpts)

Addams discusses her impressions of Europe and the Washington Naval Conference at two speeches in St. Louis.

Hertzka asks the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee to consider moving the International Headquarters from Geneva to a less expensive city in Eastern Europe.

Also known as Marguerite Gobat to Jane Addams, January 6, 1922

Gobat sends Women's International League for Peace and Freedom members a letter by Yella Hertzka suggesting that the League headquarters move to a less expensive city which would enable better collaboration with Eastern European activists.

Balch drafts a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom message about war debts and reparations for the Genoa Conference.

A draft of a statement to be sent to the Genoa Economic and Finance Conference about how to avoid another world war and start European recovery.

Beenfeldt writes Balch about reservations the Danish members have regarding the policies of the Genoa Conference towards smaller countries.

Hillman invites Addams to join the advosry committee of the Russian American Industrial Corporation to help rebuild the Soviet Union.

Balch tells Addams of decisions made at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting regarding a December meeting, summer schools and staffing.

Salomon asks Addams for help and advice to keep her Berlin Social School open in devastating financial time.s.

Balch updates Addams about international politics and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom plans for conference and summer schools.

Jacobs urges Addams to attend The Hague Conference and use her influence to help the situation in Europe.

Proudfoot asks Addams about the legal cases regarding Austrian funds held by the United States and discusses Austrian relief efforts.

The Conference proposes a series of resolutions calling for revision of the peace terms of World War I.

Addams sends Blaine news and documents from The Hague Conference and thanks her for her gift.

Addams addresses a peace meeting and argues that in order for Europe to recover economically, the peace treaty must be revised; she also argues that the United States should and will join the League of Nations.

Salomon asks Addams to help the Berlin Social School, which may have to close.

Butts writes Addams about her fears of communism, fascism, and violent ideology and recommends the creation of an International Peace Bureau.