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  • Subject is exactly "Addams, Jane, relationship with Theodore Roosevelt"

Addams discusses a meeting with Theodore Roosevelt in 1905 in which he advised women's clubs to agitate for labor reform.

Addams recalls Theodore Roosevelt's visits to Hull-House and told a story of losing her hat during one trip.

Armes tells an anecdote about Addams losing her hat and Theodore Roosevelt taking his off too.

Armes thanks Addams for her stories about Theodore Roosevelt and asks for additional accounts of her meetings with him.

Addams offers a history of movements for world courts and peace. The speech was given at the Palmer House in Chicago to the Women's Roosevelt Republican Club.

Addams offers a tribute to Theodore Roosevelt on news of his death.

Addams praises Roosevelt's work for immigrants, child labor, and corporate corruption during his political career.

Addams tells Ickes that she will give a memorial speech about Theodore Roosevelt but does not think she should be a member of the committee.

Ickes notes that Addams has been asked to join a committee for a memorial to Theodore Roosevelt.

Addams discusses the impact of the Republican convention on the woman suffrage movement and presents her appeal to the platform committee. On June 19, she addressed the Party's platform committee, and her remarks are included here.

Produced to appeal to woman voters, this Progressive Party pamphlet includes Jane Addams' nomination speech, a letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Addams, the party plank on equal suffrage, and the party's plans for democratic rule and social and industrial justice.
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Addams added additional text to her published Theodore Roosevelt tribute for public memorial in Chicago.
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Addams drafts a tribute to Theodore Roosevelt for a memorial service held in Chicago on February 10.

Addams discusses Theodore Roosevelt's impact on social work in a memorial article for The Survey.

Addams is quoted during testimony that she no longer follows Theodore Roosevelt.

In a newspaper interview, Addams offers her reasons for supporting the Progressive Party and Theodore Roosevelt.

Newspaper report and cartoon of Addams seconding the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt at the Progressive Party Convention.

Addams notes that Theodore Roosevelt was "wabbly" on woman's suffrage and she is not proud of her efforts in converting him to the cause.

Roosevelt writes Addams thanking her for her assistance in an investigation.

Addams writes Roosevelt regarding a matter she is assisting him with.

Roosevelt invites Addams to be a speaker at the Progressive Party's Lincoln Birthday dinner.

Roosevelt asks Addams to meet with George Sylvester Viereck, a poet and a Progressive.

Roosevelt sends regrets that he is unable to attend a Progressive Club dinner in held in Addams' honor.

Addams thanks Roosevelt for the tremendous impetus his run has given social reform and hopes to see him in New York.

Roosevelt declines Addams' invitation to speak at the Chicago Child Welfare Exhibit.