20 results

  • Creator is exactly "Thomas, Martha Carey"

Thomas invites Addams to be the primary speaker for a College Equal Suffrage Committee that would bring Addams, Florence Kelley, Alice Park and Anna Howard Shaw to campuses to interest college women in forming suffrage associations.

Thomas invites Addams to stay with her while Addams is speaking at Bryn Mawr College.

Thomas writes Addams about arrangements for her trip to Bryn Mawr College.

Thomas invites Addams to make a tour of East Coast women's colleges on the subject of equal suffrage.

Thomas continues her communication with Addams about coordinating dates for a speaking tour at women's colleges on the East Coast.

Thomas is disappointed that Addams cannot speak to various colleges in the fall, but wishes her to speak for two weeks during the spring semester.

Thomas confirms the dates of Addams' speaking tour at various women's colleges along the East Coast.

Thomas lays out a series of lectures for Addams during a visit to Pennsylvania and Boston in March 1908 and asks Addams to consider taking on an additional lecture.

Thomas apologizes for the delay in responding and discusses the impact of Addams' lectures on the suffrage cause.

Thomas asks Addams to reconsider participating in the Equal Suffrage Council of College Women meeting to be held in Buffalo, New York.

Thomas thanks Addams for information regarding the Chicago Board of Education.

Thomas writes Addams her pleasure that she will deliver the commencement address at Bryn Mawr and asks if she will also give a more informal talk about the white slave trade and prostitution.

Thomas asks Addams to send a list of people she would like to invite for her commencement address and accompanying festivities at Bryn Mawr College.

Thomas writes Addams about her upcoming trip to Philadelphia to deliver the commencement address at Bryn Mawr College.

Thomas writes Addams about a meeting with Mary Randolph Thomas and offers some gossip about Mary Wagner.

Thomas apologizes to Addams about some confusion between Helen Johnson and herself within the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Thomas asks Johnson to collect as much money as possible for the Woman's Journal and sends copies of the letter to Jane Addams and Sophonisba Breckinridge.

Thomas asks for Addams' assistance with a school she is planning and praises Addams for her work in the Progressive Party.

Thomas explains her rationale for behind supporting the amendment that removed voting by delegation at the National American Women Suffrage Association.

Thomas is not pleased by the Emergency Call of the Federation of Peace Workers, thinking that some of the proposals are controversial and will divide women. This letter may not have been sent.