Illinois State University, Dr. JoAnn Rayfield Archives2016 Warehouse Road, Normal, Illinois 61790


The Dr. Jo Ann Rayfield Archives at Illinois State University is the official repository for selected materials that document the history of the university and all aspects of university life. The University Archives collects, preserves and makes accessible these materials to support Milner Library and the ISU community's research and teaching goals.

Collected materials include official records from governing boards, campus offices, faculty and student governance bodies, committees, colleges, departments and faculty and student organizations. In addition, the University Archives collects the professional and personal papers of faculty, administrative staff and alumni. The University Archives also collects materials on Illinois educational organizations pertaining to the university and local manuscripts or archival materials of individuals, clubs or business relating to the university.

In 2011, the University Archives began collecting materials related to the teaching method known as Herbartianism. Originated in 1830's Germany by Johann Friedrich Herbart, this education method was introduced to the United States at Illinois State Normal University in the 1880's by Charles DeGarmo. Collected materials include records of organizations and groups dedicated to the awareness and education of the Herbartian teaching method as well as the personal papers of the individuals who taught, administered or were educated in the Herbartian method. The University Archives also collects monographs, ephemera, memorabilia and other materials related to the teaching, administering and education of the Herbartian method.

The University Archives was recognized in 1970 as the official repository of University records that have enduring value. In 2010, it was renamed to honor former Archivist, Dr. Jo Ann Rayfield, for her years of service to Illinois State University.

Alternative Title

Illinois State University, Dr. JoAnn Rayfield Archives